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Lithyem Insights

5 Benefits of an Business Operating Platform

By Lithyem Insights

bench_6A business operating platform integrates a range of IT components into a single package that scales to meet an organization’s changing needs.

At Lithyem, we place the business operating platform concept at the center of the cloud-based software solutions we develop for customers. The main objective is to streamline the operations of medium-to-large scale enterprises. Our platforms empower customers to meet that goal, reducing costs, saving time and increasing productivity.

Lithyem’s business operating platform consists of software application modules and business process workflows, reinforced with security and backup capabilities. Those components are built upon a 24/7 cloud platform foundation. At the top of this platform stack, an insight and analytics layer gleans actionable information that supports executive decision making.

This approach offers organizations a number of advantages as they look to cut through the complexity of IT. Here are some of the key benefits:

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What is a Business Operation Platform and Why Should You Care?

By Lithyem Insights

streamline business processes

Many businesses suffer from poorly integrated — or completely disconnected — software and IT systems. They simply cannot increase profits without adding overhead.

As a small company begins to grow, it tends to add systems and applications as needs arise and without any particular technology strategy in mind. That business, at some point, ends up with an array of disconnected systems and processes. Such systems often serve only a single purpose and, therefore, are hugely inefficient. What’s more, the systems may operate largely in isolation. The ability to share data among applications and enable smooth, end-to-end business processes becomes extremely limited.

A business operating platform, in contrast, offers a unified foundation for software solutions that support  an enterprise’s sustained growth. The Lithyem business operating platform consists of a number of integrated layers. At its core, the platform features application modules configured to unique process workflows for each business. A security and backup layer supports the applications and workflows, providing encryption and 24/7 availability among other disaster prevention capabilities. Those layers, in turn, rest upon Lithyem’s cloud platform. The top tier of this platform stack consists of an insight and analytics layer, which gleans actionable information and supports executive decision making.

Lithyem positions its business operating platform at the very center of the cloud-based software solutions its offers medium-to-large scale enterprises. Our objective is to streamline operations and provide efficiency benefits that dramatically increase the bottom line.

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3 Ways Cloud Software can Streamline Business Processes

By Lithyem Insights

discoverIt’s a rare business that can’t find a few opportunities to streamline internal business processes. After all, any business activity can accumulate complexity over time as an organization evolves. In addition, a process may become irrelevant as business models change, yet retain its grip on a company. And some processes may involve multiple hand-offs and re-entering data, slowing cycle time and increasing exposure to human error.

Cloud-based software is a proven technology that can help companies streamline their operations. In particular, organizations can deploy a range of cloud-based software offerings to help them on their way. Here are three ways cloud-based operating platforms can streamline business processes.

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4 Signs You Need to Start Business Process Reengineering

By Lithyem Insights

sears_5aIt’s a common trap.

Organizations become enamored with information technology and see it as the remedy for all their problems. They hear that implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) or a customer relationship management (CRM) package will boost productivity and increase sales. Expectations are high.

But an IT solution, on it own, often fails to deliver the anticipated miracle cure. Here’s why: the technology-besotted business fails to assess the underlying business processes it seeks to automate. A business that ends up automating broken, inefficient business processes won’t realize the promised benefits of IT. An organization may layer the latest and greatest technology on business processes that have persisted for decades. Adding new technology to the same old processes, however, will never yield the hoped-for technology return on investment.

Any company looking at a major IT implementation should first examine its business processes. Here are four signs that you need to embark on business process reengineering program:

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