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Our 4D Process ensures that we design and implement a solution that delivers maximum ROI. We enable scalability and efficiency breakthroughs lightening fast, increase productivity and improve executive decision making all as a result of our proven process.

1. Discover

Our process starts with Discovery. We work to understand and uncover your business goals, challenges, resources and constraints. Here we also identify the project requirements and objectives then begin to clarify exactly how it is that your business operates so that we can determine a perfect-fit solution.

Key Milestones

  • Definition of Challenges
  • Objective Prioritization
  • Constraint Identification
  • Definition of Success Metrics

2. Design

During the Design Phase of the Lithyem 4D process, our team will use the detailed requirements gathered during Discovery, and work to blueprint the platform and user experience that addresses the requirements and needs of the business.

Key Milestones

  • Feature Set Definition
  • Wireframes & UX Design
  • Specifications Development
  • Deployment Plan Development

3. Develop

The development phase is where it gets real. All the planning and previous groundwork is used here to develop the application and systems that have been blueprinted and designed. Our team of programmers is hard at work at this point and we’re iterating towards a functional system at this stage.

Key Milestones

  • Programming & Development
  • Quality Control & Testing
  • IT Configuration
  • Documentation Creation

4. Deploy

Deployment, The final phase in the process is the transition. At this point the platform has been developed and tested and is now ready to be put into production. Users are trained, failsafes are running and we’re closely monitoring the launch to ensure that all systems are running as expected. Additionally, at this stage we will also determine the direction of future additions to the platform.

Key Milestones

  • User Training
  • Launch & Integration
  • Ongoing Maintenance
  • Next Objective Definition

Continuous Improvement

Our 4D Process is a continuous improvement cycle, improving the results and maximizing the value that our solutions deliver.