Dr. Science Will See You Now

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2002 Boaz Rauchwerger

When my kids were small, and they wanted to learn about the mysteries of the universe, they knew exactly who to ask. They would see an individual named Dr. Science. He was readily available and always took time to answer their questions. They knew that Dr. Science possessed answers to every conceivable question about any topic in the universe.

Please realize that none of Dr. Science's answers made any sense. However, Reena and Adam loved the creativity with which Dr. Science presented his answers. For example, when Reena asked Dr. Science how air was invented, he came up a detailed explanation. The gist of it was that, had air not been invented, there would be no use for kites or flags.

One question you've probably already answered is the identity of Dr. Science. Yes, it was me. It was a lot of fun to spend time with my kids and see their amusement at the intricate answers that Dr. Science created.

A few days ago, Dr. Science was pondering a more recent issue – the correlation between stress and serious illnesses. So, please keep in mind that the following theory is strictly the opinion of Dr. Science and not based on actual medical analysis.

I believe that stress is now playing an important role in either creating and/or exacerbating illnesses of all types. The human mind is very powerful. When it becomes stressed, it's as if alarms go off and emergency signals are sent to all parts of the body. Those signals are screaming: "Emergency! Emergency! Get ready for battle!" Nerves are always on edge when people get ready for battle. As I said, the mind is very powerful.

To illustrate my point, when I was in hypnotherapy school I learned an amazing technique for getting rid of headaches and many other types of pains. It's a focus rather than a hypnosis process. In less than five minutes I'm able to get rid of someone's headache. I helped one lady recently to quickly get rid of a migraine she had had for five days.

This process is an amazing example of how powerful the mind is and how it controls the body. It is simply a matter of getting the person to focus on the pain itself and describing it as if it were a physical object. They imagine its width, depth, height, its form, its shape, the texture and the color. After identifying those specifics the first time, I ask them to do so a second time. When they do, the object is always smaller, of a softer material and lighter in color. By the third round of descriptions, it's either much smaller or gone.

When I almost died three times in my life, my ability to focus on perfect health helped me recuperate very quickly. In the case of health, whatever the mind focuses on is often manifested in the body. The story is told about a man who had lost a love and was very upset. He went around saying to people, "She broke my heart. She broke my heart." A few weeks later he had a massive heart attack. He was right. She had broken his heart.

In addition to Dr. Science's informal theories, there is now research from Finland dealing with stress at work and how it can double the risk of dying from heart disease.

Research was done on stress from high demands at work, worries about job security, concern about career opportunities and so forth. Investigators found that people who suffered from these challenges had the same level of risk for fatal heart attacks as those that smoked and did not exercise. Being overweight and having high cholesterol were also associated with high job stress.

On the other hand, the American Heart Association says there is little direct evidence that reducing stress is an effective way to prevent or treat heart disease.

Dr. Science has a very simple way of looking at all this. Let's say you get stressed out at work on a regular basis because you really don't like what you do and often find it boring or overwhelming. When you feel stressed, your blood may pump harder, taxing your heart and your arteries. You may then turn to food or other non-productive habits for solace. It's a cycle that goes nowhere other than a place called "Trouble."

If you're facing a lot of stress at work, here are some suggestions:

1. Don't let your break or lunchtime be interrupted with work.

2. Take a walk or do stretching exercises during breaks or on your lunch hour.

3. Make friends with positive people at work.

4. Meet with your supervisor and clear up any stressful issues.

5. To manage time better, constantly ask yourself, "What is the most valuable thing I should be doing right now?"

6. Unless absolutely necessary, do not take business calls after hours.

7. Keep a copy of the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" on your desk – read a page whenever you feel stressed – this will shift your gears and inspire you.

8. Know when to quit – is your job worth your health? If not, take steps to change it.

So, thank you for visiting the office of Dr. Science. Please take three affirmations and call me in the morning.

A Daily Calmness Affirmation

I am a calm and peaceful person. I am a calm and peaceful person. I am a calm and peaceful person.