It's Time to Hear the Sound of Music

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2002 Boaz Rauchwerger

Ground speed: 640 miles per hour. Just passing Halifax, Nova Scotia. The last time I came by here was 46 years ago, in a ship, 37,000 feet below, going the other way.

Did you ever see the movie, "The Shawshank Redemption?" If you haven't, I strongly recommend you do. To say it's just a prison story is like saying that Pavoratti has a nice voice.

The stars of "Shawshank" are Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. In one of the many memorable scenes from that incredible movie, the two of them are talking in the prison yard. Tim says to Morgan, "You either get busy living or you get busy dying."

Time passes so quickly and we keep making promises to ourselves. Someday I'll spend more time with my family. Someday I'll get more education. Someday I'll start a business of my own. Someday I'll go see the world.

Even though several thousand people now subscribe to this newsletter worldwide, let's pretend for a moment that it's just you and me talking. I'll confess to stating that last promise, about seeing the world, many times over many years. And, until now, when I'm nearly 55, I didn't do anything about it.

Although world travel has always been one of my biggest passions, I had never ventured outside North America since my family immigrated to the United States from Israel in 1956. At that time, we crossed the Mediterranean Sea by ship, took a train across France and crossed the Atlantic Ocean by ship to New York. I was nine years old at the time.

Through the years, there were always excuses. I wanted to go back and visit Israel. I wanted to go to Austria, where my father was born. I wanted to go on a photographic safari to Africa. I wanted to go visit the remote Indian tribes living high in the Andes in South America.

As I said, there were always excuses. I'll go when the kids grow up. I'll go when I get that promotion. I'll go when my business is doing well. I'll go when everything in my life is just right.

Well, as Tim Robbins said in Shawshank, "we either get busy living or we get busy dying." There's never going to be a perfect moment to follow your dreams. I finally got the message.

About six months ago,  I decided that it was time to go see the world. As I teach in my seminars, when the WHY is big enough, the HOW doesn't matter. When you decide on an important goal, write it down, and set a completion date, magic happens.

It's as if the universe is saying, "Why didn't you tell me that that's what you wanted? I would have gladly helped you with that at any time."

My first choice for a destination was Israel. The second choice was Austria, where my father was born. Due to the turmoil in the Middle East, the choice was Austria.

Once a date was set for the trip, and the special destination designated (the WHY), the HOW quickly showed up. No need for the details. I'll just say that this exciting goal was much easier to accomplish than I expected.

I was not only going to Austria, but specifically to one of the most beautiful spots in Europe - Salzburg. Do you remember the opening scene of the movie "The Sound of Music," where Julie Andrews sang the title song on top of the hill? That scene and much of that movie was filmed in Salzburg, Austria.

As I write, I'm flying to Salzburg. I'm going to find that hill, lift my arms up to the sky and hear the sound of music.

I'm confident that there is a Salzburg in your dreams. Identify it. If it's a destination half way around the world, identify it. Post pictures of it all around you. Get an itinerary and set a date to go - even if it's a year or two away. Clarify the WHY and don't worry about the HOW.

If not now, when? If not you, who? A mind once expanded never returns to its original size. By doing something exciting for you, you'll enhance every aspect of your life - personally and professionally.

As I sit here, on my flight on Austrian Air, I am so excited about the new sights and new people I am about to experience. I am so excited that I finally turned thoughts into action. I am so thrilled that I finally got busy living. Now it's your turn.

A Sound Affirmation

It's important that I get to living every day. I am now identifying what is important to me and taking action!